Today my daughter found out that a high school buddy of
hers, Chad McConnell, was in a tragic motorcycle accident on Friday, January 11, 2008. He is in ICU at
Erlanger Medical Center in Chattanooga TN, and may never walk
again. All who know Chad are praying fervently for his full recovery. Chad is a respectable and industrious young man well loved by all. Please join me in praying for him and his parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
While praying for Chad the verses from Psalm 139 : 13-14 came to my mind. Chad, this is my prayer for you.
Father God,
You created Chad's inmost being;
You knit him together in his mother's womb.
I praise you because he is fearfully and
wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Father God,
"knit" Chad's broken bones,
HEAL his injured nerves,
RESTORE his health as only YOU CAN!!
Father God,
Bless the hands that care for Chad,
Give the nurses a caring heart that they will
be ever attentive to all his needs, that they will
carefully monitor his every vital sign, changes in
ICP, conscientious turning to prevent breakdown.
Be with all the personnel that care for Chad, give
the doctor's insight, knowledge, and a caring heart.
Father God,
Hold his mother and father in the palm of your hand...strengthen
them, carry them, give them the peace the
surpasseshuman understanding. Guard the hearts of Chad's
siblings, help them to turn TOWARD you in this time
and not away from you. Send angels to minister to them as
they ministered to your Son.
AND Father,
Please hold Chad in your loving arms. Comfort him as only you
can. Give his body the strength needed to fight and recover.
In you Son Jesus' precious and holy name I pray...