The kitchen will be decorated with a Tuscan theme. Brittany fell in love with Tuscany while she was in Italy this past month. The guest room will be masculine with an outdoors theme. I believe Levi's trophy buck has been assigned to this room. The living room will be rustic, leather furniture and such. The main bathroom will be sunny and have a "beachy" feel to it with light blues and yellows. Like Jeff Foxworthy said, "I've never seen a toilet on the beach, but give a woman a sea shell and it's going in the bathroom!" The master bedroom is a beautiful shade of green, a bit darker than sage. The furniture is black and the colors will be jewel tones.
We are waiting on the USMC to help set the wedding date! Levi should get his orders for his summer training @ June's drill weekend. He will hopefully be going to Ala for training, 6 weeks worth, beginning sometime in August. They want an October wedding.
I love listening to their stories! Levi has the patience of his Grandfather and Great-Grandfather Burrell, (okay, and ME!). While they were at the house yesterday he asked Britt to start packing the former owner's stuff. He said, "Why don't you put some of that stuff in those boxes?" Brittany was like, "Darlin', I can't pack his stuff! That would be rude!!" They were so happy to have been able to cut their own grass and clean their own bathrooms ; ). I am trying to remember when I felt that way. I'll write a post about it when I do...don't hold your breath! Just kidding, I count my blessings everyday for the home GOD has blessed us with.
Well I gotta go...love all of you!!