How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Profound question. A woodchuck would chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood! Profound answer. I loved this rhyme when I was younger. It is running through my mind today as I think back over the last six weeks at work. I feel like a woodchuck! And I am tired!!
It all started with our CEO wanting to initiate a Wellness program for our employees. Then we were asked to allign the program with the company benefits plan, and then we were challenged to perform health screens on over 1500 employees during the month of June!!! Can't be done? Surprisingly, yes it can!
Mind you that each person screened (all 1500+) generated at least 10 pieces of paper. All labs were recieved in duplicate, had to be reviewed for abnormals, matched and transcribed to the individual's questionaire, then scanned individually and profile results were printed. Then the results were sorted, matched back with the printed copy of lab results, placed in envelopes with corresponding form letters explaining the next step, double checked for accuracy, and then sealed and mailed. The duplicate lab results were then filed in the charts. We started June 3rd and the last results were mailed July 11. I really feel like I have "chucked all the wood that a woodchuck could chuck!"
But I do love my job and the people I work with. God has blessed me with this opportunity to learn how to apply the principles of wellness to help others improve their health and avoid chronic diseases. That is our goal, prevention and wellness. And it is all about choices. God gave us free will and choices to make. Most chronic diseases in America are the result of choices, type II diabetes, coronary vascular disease, even high blood pressure most often is the result of modifiable risk factors. Yes, genetics can give us the tendancy, but the choices we make everyday regarding food and activity, are our's to make.
Well, that is what my life has been revolving around lately. On the family front we have Levi and Britt busily nesting!! They have pruned the greenery in their yard, put down new flooring in the

laundry room, painted their room and now also the living room. Levi has 5 more school days in Tifton!!! He will be on active duty for two weeks in August here in Rome, and then they will be focusing on the wedding plans.

Lacie is busy this summer with her two favorite activities...working with her Uncle Junior (construction) and babysitting our dear friends the Waldons. She is excited about her new major and nervous about starting at yet another new college. I think she has truly found a major she can stick with. She has started looking for mission trips that require building and is so excited she has to share all the details with me! What an awesome thought that maybe one of my children will be a missionary! There are so many schools, medical clinics and homes for needy families that need to be built!
Cody is on his second mission trip of the year. He has also helped feed the needy here in Rome.

It breaks his heart when he tells me how many hundred of sandwiches are given away here in our own home town. Again, how awesome it would be to have a child become a missionary. He hasn't had much idle time this summer with mission trips, soccer camps, and his job at the local hardware store.
Keith and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary! Shania Twain says it best in her song, "You're Still the One". He really is and I am so thankful for the life we share. If you would, please join us in prayer for Andy and Jerrie Bulloch that God will meet their every need abundantly and bless them to overflowing. Thanks!!