Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007

 that I am finally logged on! My stars! This is my second time to post on our blog...and I couldn't figure out how to log in, which blog to log into, or what my password was. "Of all the things I've lost in life, I miss my MIND the most!" Honestly, it took me 30 minutes to get logged-in. Everything is written down now and hopefully I won't lose the note card it's writtenon...yeah-right.

Yesterday Keith and I made another trip to south Georgia and back. It's kind-of funny how it happened. Keith wanted to take some of the kids things to the apartment before next weekend so I called the landlord and told him Keith would be coming into town on Saturday and would need to pick up the keys. But, then I talked Keith into staying home this weekend and we forgot to tell the landlord we would not be needing the keys. Well, lunch time Saturday Keith gets a voicemail from the landlord ..."the apartment is unlocked and the keys are in the oven". Well, what to do? Keith couldn't get in-touch with the we loaded up the two beds and headed out...and back the same day. We rolled back into our driveway at 2am, uhg!

We drove through rain the last 40 miles of the trip down there but the bedding didn't get wet...God is so good!

Well, we are having friends over today for a "good-bye" party for the two older kids, so I better go get busy.

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