These pictures are of our last family vacation to St. George Island in the summer of 05. The kids have all changed so much since then! I am posting them because I really need a day on the beach! See, in Northwest Georgia Christmas is grey, drizzly, and cold. That's why we put up so many lights!
I'm sitting here in the den with LM, LC, and B. LM is recovering from having her four wisdom teeth extracted yesterday. She slept almost 24 hours straight. I woke her up every four hours, made her drink 4 oz of gatorade and take her pain med. Then she was back to la-la land. She's awake tonight, icing her jaws. The right side is more swollen and painful than the left side. She can't eat solid food for a few more days so she is really looking forward to Christmas Eve...her Grandmother is making vegetable soup and her Aunt C is making candied-yams!
LC has just made an excel spreadsheet to compare the cost of runnign old vs. new equipment. It was so impressive. Now he is showing it to his Dad who is explaining that what looks cut and dry on paper doesn't always pan out in reality. There is always the weather to consider and trucks breaking down, mills cutting off quotas. Logging is a hard business to succeed in. He went hunting this morning, no luck though. Next week will be hard for him with his B going back home. We'll all miss her. Next week she and LC are going to look at a place in her hometown for their wedding. She was sharing with me that the menu for their wedding will include macaroni-n-cheese and her Aunt C's buffalo wings. Her mother laughed and agreed their supper should be whatever they like! And the future mother-in-law agrees 100%! I'm thinking Sticky-Fingers to cater the rehearsal supper...But we have a year and a-half to plan and for a procrastinator like me that is quite a long time :~)
C is at his friend's house tonight. He put in applications today...I am so proud of his desire to work. However, the mgr at Wendy's asked if he could work till 10:30 on a school night...not going to happen. He went Christmas shopping today all by himself. It still feels weird that he doesn't need someone to take him where he wants to go. The other night I found a picture of him on the beach when he was probably 18 months old. He had a halo of blond curls and such a serious look on his face while he was playing in the sand.
B came in tonight and was very excited to share with us that she has met her sales goal for the month! She is a talented saleswoman. We love to hear her stories of the people who come in the store. She has such and optimistic view on life! She can see the possibilities that lie ahead for her and LC both.
You've got great children!! I'm so proud of them. It is SO hard to believe that C is a young man, now, able to drive and all...I hope and pray that all their dreams come true and that they continue to love their Lord with all their hearts.
I love you soo much and that means the world to me to hear you say things like that! It makes my heart smile so big to hear plans for no longer just my future, but "Ours"!!!! :)I'm so thankful!
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