Saturday, January 5, 2008


I am sitting at home today alone. Keith is busy with his usual Saturday list of things to do, LC is at drill, LM is at work, CB is off with friends, and B is at work, too. Needless to say loneliness reared its' ugly head! Determined to fight this feeling I went to a new site on the computer,, to search for comforting words to relieve the empty feeling. I found two references, one from a sermon that referenced Kathy Ireland's testimony about being lonely when she was far from home. The other reference was from a Senior Ministry Devotional...God's sense of humor...ha ha! But neither passage reached me. I still felt lonely.

Earlier in the week my Daily Bible Verse that comes to my email at work had brought the words from Jeremiah 29:11 and also the 23rd Psalm. Well known passages to me, but still, I was feeling lonely and asking why? Why do I feel this way? Why will I not fear death when I am walking through the valley? I know Jesus loves me and to be honest, the feeling of loneliness then made me also feel guilty. My thoughts sounded something like this...If Jesus loved me enough to leave heaven, become man, die a horrid death for the forgiveness of my sins, so that I could partake in the love and promises of God, why did I feel lonely? Why did I feel depressed? Am I that ungrateful?

I can't explain why those feelings and thoughts weigh on me, so. But as I opened my Bible and began to look through verses that I have highlighted and made notes about in the margin. GOD allowed me to revisit a verse that ministered to my heart and my sister years ago as we lost our Grandmother. It is Isaiah 43: 1-3. He reminded me that HE called me...and I am HIS! He will protect me no matter what this world throws at me.

Then He showed me verses 4 and 5. What a wonderful thing to be told by the very GOD that created this world...I am precious and honored in His sight, because HE loves me...then He says, "Do not be afraid, for I am with you..."

That is the answer to my "why". Because Jesus love me, God considers me to be precious and honored in His sight! And then the words that are gentle yet stronger than anything on this earth...Do not be afraid, for I am with you.

How wonderful, strong, gentle, and magnificent is our GOD!!!

Yes, my house is empty. Yes, my children are independant. Yes, I am sitting in my house with nothing to do but housework. But God Himself told me that He loves me, and I am precious and honored in His sight! Thank you God!


Debbie B said...

When I am alone and my house is quiet, I find that is often the time that God will speak to me. He knows and understands all of my dreams, hopes, feelings, and emotions.

God spoke to you because you sought Him. The Bible tells us if we seek Him we shall surely find Him.

You found Him and He blessed you.

Thanks for sharing those verses. They are some of my very favorite.


Noel said...

I love you!

We do serve an awesome God! He is with us, and He will never leave us. :)

Thank you for all of your love and support. I just finished my last first day of class! It went well. Thanks for your prayers. :)

Love you,

Deborah said...

I just want to hug you! :(

I think of Mom-Mom everyday. Your faith and determination and ability to help people all around you remind me of her. You HAVE walked through many valleys with your Saviour, and still you laugh with others -just like Mom-Mom.

Your beautiful home is a favorite traditional family gathering place. Thank you for doing all the hard work that that entails.

Thank you for sharing your heart and the Scriptures. Loneliness sneaks up on us, at all different times and stages of life. Thank you for writing the perfect

I'm on my way to read those verses.

I love you dearly,

Lacie said...

Hey Mama,
I am so sorry that you feel so lonely. I wish I could reach through the computer and hug you, but being four hours away makes that task a little difficult. But do remember that I love you and daddy more than anything. I am blessed with such a wonderful Mama and Daddy. You love me so much that you allowed and encouraged me to leave home and find myself, in the same way God loved US enough that He allowed HIS SON to leave "home" and fulfil his purpose. That is the greatest love anyone could ask for. You have always been a self-sacrificing mother who would and will always put others before yourself. Thank you for all you are, all you've done and all you will ever do for me. I love you!
{p.s. Tell Daddy that I love him too}