Monday, May 26, 2008

Quick Catch-up!

Levi and Britt are "closing" on Wednesday on their first home!!! We are so proud and excited for them! Levi and I were sitting on the couch Sunday morning and I asked him, "So, what's going to be your first project on your new home?" It felt so weird to ask him that question...our son has his own home! After the closing and it is officially their's, I'll post some pictures.

Lacie goes to meet with her advisor at SPSU on Wednesday to plan her schedule for the Fall! This will be the first of many meetings for them ;~). She is very happy about starting this part of her life, but it's the day's she is with a family-friend helping with the babies that she is her happiest. I know she is going to be the best Mama ever, one day!

Cody has his first job! My last child has his first job!!! He went to work last Thursday and one of the two bosses spoke to him then Cody started helping a customer. The other boss came in and said, "Cody, today's your day off!" Cody responded by saying, "Oh yeh, well I'll finish up with this cusomer and then head home." I thought that showed a really good work ethic, he didn't just leave the customer to someone else, he finished what he had started. He also made a 110/100 on his biology portfolio!! And HE did all the work! I only had to help him edit a few paragraphs and that was only to keep subject matter flowing smoothly.

Well, keep us in your prayers...


Leah-Joy said...




WOAH Cody!

Sounds like you are doing good!
Love Ya'll!

Deborah said...

Things are BUSY at your house! You are seeing the fruit of so much prayer and hard work, and I am so happy for you. Three God fearing, hard working, smart, awesome young adults who love their parents and their home...sounds like they had an awesome Mama!!

I love you!